Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Dear Principal Weiner,

I just had to tell you thanks for making my years in Anywhere Middle School so enjoyable and in many ways so surprising. I really thought that in that first year that you were named principal (after 1/2 year of teaching) that you were really going to be tough, and that scared me. When you introduced all those programs that the district loved, I was worried! But happily, as it turns out, you had no intention of actually doing anything but looking good to the school board and the administration. I didn't do one of them, and after about 6 months no one else did either. I didn't do "Charms", or "Bold" or "Loveable" and never really understood what they all meant.

I didn't care. I simply went on doing what I usually did. was absent every Friday and sometimes Monday (but gratefully, you were too...getting your faux doctorate, and taking trips paid for by the district to NYC to recruit teachers, when our district was letting teachers go) I showed many movies...some were R-rated and worse, but it didn't matter because all the other teachers gave me the worst kids, whose parents wouldn't care. I was supposed to teach math I think, and somewhere in the room, there were some old math books, but I wasn't ever sure where they were. I gave some homework out of an old English book that I found. No one ever did it, and I wouldn't have known what to do with it anyway. When grades were due, I flipped coins and gave A's to almost everyone, and yeah, I occasionally had a little sip of something too.

But that's not the point Dr. Weiner (that Dr. seems to be important in this district). The point is that I had a great 20 years with you...although I'm not clear what you look like, as I almost never saw you on campus, and you never came in my room. I was stunned about you not coming in my room after almost every teacher in the school begged you to, and once in a while even some parent who's kid got in my class by mistake, begged you to get rid of me.

Once in a February all the teachers even signed a petition to fire me. And then again every year for the next 10-15 years petitions were signed, Superintendents were written to, (but as we all know, superintendents come and go and they never seem to leave notes about anything in the past), and once you even sent me an email....I didn't read it. But nothing ever happened. You successfully avoided even coming down my hall, let alone to my classroom. Did you know where it was?

I just kept right on doing what I was doing and really not caring and frankly after the first year with you, I knew that I had nothing to fear, because you were as lazy as I was, but you were just better at looking good.

So Dr. Wiener thank you so much for those excellent years of avoidance and denial by you. I've got to say that I WAS SURPRISED to hear you interviewed for the LA Times complaining about how hard it was to get rid of BAD teachers, but you were always good at lying.

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